Links to the World of Aikido
United States Aikido Federation (USAF) – the USAF organizes, promotes and conducts Aikido demonstrations and seminars, encourages activities of member dojos, and researches, studies and publishes information and materials pertaining to Aikido.
Aikido Online was created to be an information center that taps into this invaluable resource: the art of Aikido as learned and experienced by the most prominent group of Aikido Shihan (master teachers) living outside Japan today.
Birankai International represents the culmination of a long-held wish of Chiba Sensei. He has long desired that his students, who are scattered across the globe, should have a single organization to support their training.
Aikido East: USAF Eastern Region Newsletter. News and articles from Yamada Sensei, information about seminars and more.
Aikido of Champlain Valley – Located in Burlington, Vermont, Aikido of Champlain Valley chief instructor Benjamin Pincus sensei presently holds the rank of godan (5th degree black belt) and shidoin (certified instructor) with the USAF and the International Aikido Federation in Tokyo, Japan. He is sandan (3rd degree) in Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido which he began studying under Paul Sylvain Shihan with whom he also studied aikido under for 5 years.
Pioneer Valley Zendo is a Soto Zen zendo that hopes to continue to provide instruction in shikantaza and to encourage people to integrate zazen practice into their daily lives. Eishen Ikeda Sensei leads zazen at Valley Aikido on the second Wednesday of every month.
Valley Aikido on the Web
Valley Aikido on Facebook — Become a fan on Facebook and see pictures, video, and find out about current events.
Valley Aikido on Youtube — See videos from Valley Aikido.